What Parents and Carers Need to Know about OFCOM’s Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Rep
Ofcom’s annual ‘Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes’ report provides a comprehensive picture of how young people used and interacted with the internet in the preceding year. It’s a fascinating snapshot of what games and apps young people are currently favouring, how long they spend online and how tastes change at certain ages.
While some of Ofcom’s latest findings will probably come as scant surprise (YouTube being by far the most popular platform among under-18s, for instance), other conclusions may raise an eyebrow or two.
This special guide, from National Online Safety, presents some of the report’s most eye-catching facts and figures in an accessible infographic format.
In the guide you'll find statistics and trends such as the current most popular platforms for young people and the proportion of children in each age group who play online games.