This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we begin Part Two of 'Who is Jewish and how do they live?' We will be exploring the Jewish faith and looking at the Shema, as a Jewish prayer, looking at the different lines and meanings.
In Immersion Curriculum, we continue to look at famous women. We will conclude our learning of Rosa Parks and move onto Florence Nightingale and Emily Davison. We will look at the impact these women had on the world and gain an understanding of why the behaved like they did.
In English, we continue to look at Biographies. We will be writing a biography of Rosa Parks, breaking this down into the different sections, before planning our own.
In Maths we are handling data. We are looking and interpreting pictograms before collecting data to present our own. We have been doing this in Computing so are becoming real experts at this.
Reading Club starts tomorrow with Mrs Hamilton from 3.15pm - 4.15pm.
Magnificent Monday is on Monday 20th June from 8.45am-9.30am. Please do come in and share your child's learning with them.