This Week In Hereforfd Class

Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you have all had a fantastic break. Thank you so much for your generous gifts at the end of term, it was really appreciated by both myself and Mrs Apew.
We come back into the Spring Term with lots to learn. This week, Year 2 are subtracting in maths. We are subtracting a one digit number from a two digit number. We are crossing the tens barrier, by counting back to the nearest ten and then using our knowledge of numbers bonds to 10 to subtract the next part. We will then move on to subtracting tens from a two digit number, ensuring that our ones don't change! Year 1 are looking at fact families, creating 8 calculations both addition and subtraction, including placing the equals sign at the beginning. In English we have planned our own stories and this week we are showing what we know and applying all of this to an extended write, based on the story of Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
In AIC we are completing PSHE. We are looking at physical and mental well-being, discussing how we can look after ourselves, including healthy and unhealthy foods and ways to play both inside and outside, ensuring we have a balance. We will then look at sun safety and how we need to protect ourselves when the weather is warmer.
This week we begin our RE lesson with our focus value of 'Trust'. We will be looking at the parable of 'The Storm On The Lake' and how everyone needed to trust in Jesus.
The Spring letter will go home tomorrow, please take time to read this as it provides lots of information about this term.