This Week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class, we are coming to the end of our writing journey of Non Chronological Reports. We will be applying all that we have been taught in order to write one independently, using all of the features and structure taught. We will be linking this back to our Science topic of 'Seasons.'
In Maths, we continue our addition journey. Year 1 will start the week by recalling their bonds within 10. They have been taught how to use these bonds to 10 to help them recall their bonds to 9. It is really important that children are able to make numbers within 10 rapidly, noticing that 4 + 5 make 9, for example, without counting on. You could use dice or playing cards to support with this at home. Year 2 will be adding two 2-digit numbers. We will begin by adding numbers that do not bridge ten, for example, 64 + 22. Then we will move onto numbers that involve bridging 10 (where the ones total 10 or more), for example 65 + 27. The children will have strategies taught to be able to tackle calculations like this.
We have put the Amberley Immersion Curriculum on hold for the upcoming weeks due to practising the nativity. On Friday, a letter came home regarding the costumes that will be needed. We urge you not to buy anything and ask that you simply provide clothes to go underneath the costumes that we already have in school. A reminder that the Nativity performances will be at 2pm and 6pm on Wednesday 13th December 2023.
In RE this week, we will be looking at how Jesus and other religious teachers taught people about loving one another. We will link this to the parable of 'The Lost Sheep.'
If you or you know of anybody that would be willing to volunteer any afternoons in the school week to support children with their reading, please let me know. A letter and email has been sent to all Amberley parents so please offer your support if you can!