This week in Hereford Class

Thank you to everyone who attended parents' evening last week. It was so nice to be able to talk about how the children have settled back into school life and the amazing progress they have already made.
This week in Hereford Class, we continue with our writing journey of Non Chronological Reports. We will be writing a non-chronological report about Brazil, breaking the steps down. Year 2 will be teaching Year 1 all they know about Brazil as this was something they studied in Autumn 1. We will then go onto write independently, writing a report about the Seasons from our Science Topic. You may hear the term 'mind minding moles' this week. This is where we recap previous knowledge and learning.
In Maths, we continue with addition. Year 2 children will be adding tens to two digit numbers whilst Year 1 continue to add within 20 using different strategies, following on from last week where they began to understand how to create addition calculations.
In RE, we begin our unit on 'Belonging to a Community' and we will be exploring what it means to belong to a faith community and thinking about what is good about belonging to different communities, including our own school community.
In the Amberley Immersion Curriculum, we are moving onto Science - Humans. We will be exploring the body parts, including the 5 senses, noticing how animals and humans have offspring, we will be investigating and describing the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air). Our Humans topic will continue into next week. Please see the class page for more information and how you can support at home.
Nativity singing and roles are well underway, please encourage your children to practise both singing and lines (if they have any) at home. We don't have long until the performances in early December!