This week in Hereford Class

We are really excited to be going on our school trip to Robinswood Country Park on Wednesday. We will be linking this trip to our Science learning of 'Animals and Their Habitats'. Mrs Hamilton has arranged workshops for us and we are looking forward to studying microhabitats within the hill. Please remember that all children need to be in full school uniform with sun cream and a packed lunch for this day.
In English, we start a new unit of persuasive posters. We will be looking at different posters and ways in which people persuade others to do something. For example, charities, adverts and letters. We will be finding the features and looking at the different language that people use to try and persuade.
In maths, we are looking at reasoning questions. We will be looking at different worded problems, following on from assessments and then making decisions about the maths that we need to do, thinking about calculations and methods.
In the Amberley Immersion Curriculum, we are starting a new unit of Art - Sculpture. We will be using clay to roll, mould and carve different sculptures. Look out for these. We will be bringing them home as part of our celebration to show our families what we have been up to.
In RE, we will be looking at how Muslims and Christians worship in church, making links with our previous learning of the sacred places and objects that they use.