This week in Hereford Class

I can't believe that it is the last week of term. The term has flown by and we are officially nearly half way though the academic year!
This week in Maths we continue our maths unit of fractions. We are finding fractions of whole numbers using bar models to represent the whole. Year 1 will be finding 1/2 and 1/4 and Year 2, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 3/4. We will then move this learning forward by finding fractions of sets of objects.
In English, we are writing stories in full. We have innovated 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon and have planned our own characters, setting and story line. We will be showing what we know by writing this independently, drawing on the teaching from Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Apew when retelling and modelling Beegu.
In our AIC this week we move onto PSHE: Money and Work. We will be looking at what money is, how we spend money and thinking carefully about what we want and what we need, prioritising our purchases. We are excited to be welcoming in Mr and Mrs Bendixon, who are going to be supporting us with this learning.
Well done to all the children who took part in the 'Oracy' project this week. A few more children will present next week and then three children will be chosen for the final. Here they will speak in front of other adults and children. One children from each class will then go through to the next stage of the competition. Exciting!
I hope that you all have a lovely half term break. Please remember that the first Monday back in an INSET day, children return on the Tuesday.