This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we are starting a new Amberley Immersion Curriculum Topic. We start a new Science journey of Plants. We will be learning about plants, flowers and trees and discussing their parts and functions. We will learn the key vocabulary and identify trees that are evergreen and deciduous. We will be growing our own cress and discussing the conditions that plants need to survive. I hope you all like egg and cress sandwiches!
In English, we are writing our auto-biographies in full. The children will use the fact files completed at home in order to write the story of their lives, paragraphing it and using subheadings whilst writing strong sentences containing the punctuation, vocabulary and grammar taught. I am looking forward to hearing stories about the children as they certainly enjoyed mine.
In Maths, Year 1 are counting in 5s and 10s, following on from last week's counting in 2s. Please practise these wherever possible, chanting them or quizzing the children with, 'What would come before and after?' Counting back in these multiples will really help embed their understanding. Year 2 are solving multiplication problems. We will be reading problems and deciding what action we need to take to calculate. Some children have additional, useless information in their questions in which they have to eliminate.
In RE this week we will be exploring the use of the Qur'an and how this is treated in Islam, thinking about what this teaches us about Muslim beliefs. We will continually make links to previous faiths studied and be 'mind mining moles' to ensure we are recalling previous knowledge from previous topics and terms.
Please remember that the skills and knowledge that your children are being taught each week in the AIC can be found on the class page. The overview is placed there with ideas for you to support your children at home. Information regarding other subjects can be found on the curriculum page. If you think you have something you can offer to help us experience our curriculum, please do get in touch. It would be lovely to share experiences with our Amberley families.