This Week In Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we begin a new Amberley Immersion Curriculum Topic of 'Mind Blowing Maps.' Here we will be learning lots of skills studying Geography around the school and around the world. We will be using aerial images, devising maps, using compass directions and grid references. The overview is attached, which gives you ways to support learning at home. This can also be found on the Hereford Class page.
In Maths, we are completing a unit on multiplication. Year 1 children are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s with the multiplication symbol being introduced. Year 2 are representing multiplication through the use of repeated addition and arrays.
In English we begin to write our autobiographies. Initially, we are pretending to be Mrs Hamilton, practising all of the skills needed to be a successful writer and then we will use this to write them about ourselves. We are looking forward to finding out about Mrs Hamilton's life.
In RE we revisit Islam and look at the beliefs of Muslims and how they live. This is Part 2 of this unit and we will dig deeper into the ways in which Muslims show their beliefs.
Outdoor Learning and PE continue as normal this week. Please ensure that children have additional footwear for outdoor learning as it is incredibly muddy outside.
You should have received the Spring letter from myself, which details school life in lots of detail. This can be found on the Hereford Class page. As always, if you need to talk about anything, please catch me on the gate in the morning or at the end of the day, email me or come into school to make an appointment.