This Week in Hereford Class

This week we are starting a new story unit - we will be reading, boxing up (ordering) and comprehending 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' by Judith Kerr.
In Maths, we continue with our objectives of Year 1, finding one more and one less, Year 2, comparing numbers to 100.
In The Immersion Curriculum, Year 2 will start a new History Unit of 'Explorers' where we will be studying Neil Armstrong, Christopher Columbus and Tim Berners-Lee. We will be thinking about chronology and the impact that they had on the world today. The overview is attached with ideas about how to support your child's learning at home.
Year 1 will continue their transition into Year 1 by visiting Dexter Class in the afternoons, Monday to Wednesday.
In RE we are studying the Islamic Faith and we are learning about some key Muslim beliefs.
Important message to Year 1 parents: Please return the phonics' evening slip. This will be a valuable evening for you to attend as it will cover the way in which reading is taught and how you can support at home, getting Year 1 children ready for their statutory Phonics Screening check. It will also help you to understanding how to develop your child's fluency.
Outdoor Learning is each Friday. Please ensure that children have a change of clothes and a spare pair of shoes. They are outside, soon in the cold, and it can get very muddy. Their PE shoes are not suitable as they wear these indoors throughout the school day.