This Week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class, we are starting a new journey in most of our topics.
In RE, we are completing Part 2 of our learning all about Judaism. This week we are looking at the Mezuzah and looking at how important it is to Jews and how some Jews have this on their door frames. We will be making links back to the Shema and designing our own Mezuzot to place our scrolls in that we previously made. We will be making links to other important objects in other faiths that we have studied.
In Maths we are starting a maths unit on block diagrams. We will be interpreting block diagrams and answering questions around the data that they show.
In the Immersion Curriculum we will finish off our final pieces of work on Emily Davison, our final famous and influential female, and we will move onto Science - Light and Sound. Firstly, we will look at sources of light, both natural and artificial.
In English we will be finishing off our final write of biographies. The children have planned their own biographies to independently write - we will be writing ours about Florence Nightingale.
Thank you to all of you who came to share your child's learning during our Magnificent Monday - it was so lovely to have you all back in the classroom and sharing the hard work that goes into books day in, day out.