This week in Hereford Class

Miss Holden has remembered to do her BLOG post in time this week - Hurrah!
This week in Hereford we are looking at using the inverse operation in maths. We are looking at how we can use known facts to help us recognise and calculate other operations. For example, if we know our numbers bonds to 20, we can easily subtract numbers involving the number 20. The children will be shown lots of different strategies to calculate missing number problems, using the inverse, beginning with addition and subtraction.
In English we are beginning to write a letter. We will practise writing some introductions which tell the person receiving the letter, why we are writing and then we will write the paragraphs. We are imagining we have taken a holiday to Japan. Year 2 can then revisit their Geography learning from the beginning of the year and they can also teach Year 1 some facts.
In RE we will finish our study of Judaism (we revisit this faith in Summer 2) and we will continue to look at the festival of Chanukah. Please do ask your children about this and what they have learnt.
In the Immersion Curriculum, we move to Art: Collage. We will be using our collaging skills to create our very own house from 1666, using different colours and textures to represent the materials of the house as well as the Great Fire! I have promised the children that their art work will be posted on the BLOG for you all to see, at the end of the week. If I don't get to speak to you before hand, I wish you all a very Happy Easter and hope you get to spend some quality time with family and friends, and of course, eat lots of Easter eggs!