This week in Hereford Class

Welcome back to Spring 2! We are officially half way through the academic year - I can't believe where the time has gone. I hope that you all had a fantastic half term break and I hope nobody was blown away by storm Eunice!
This week we begin lots of new learning journeys. In RE we are looking at our new value of forgiveness, which is great for making links back to our previous RE topic: What do Christians believe God is like? This term we will be exploring the Jewish faith and how they live. We will start by exploring the Shema (Jewish prayer).
In the Immersion Curriculum we will be studying a historical event from the past: The Great Fire of London. This is my favourite topic in History to teach and I'm excited to fill the children's heads with lots of knowledge! We will be finding out about how the fire started and what is was like for those involved. I am in the process of arranging a school trip to link with this topic, later on in the Spring Term, so keep your eyes peeled for letters in the bookbags!
In English we continue our story journey of Avocado baby. We will be understanding the character's feelings throughout the story and retelling it in our own words. Before half term, we all tried avocado. Some of us loved it whilst others of us hated it! Some children were convinced that eating it also made them stronger! In Maths, whilst we continue looking at 'Time', this week we will be drawing the hands on the clock to show the times. Year 1: Half past and O'clock. Year 2: Half past, O'clock, 1/4 to and past as well as then moving onto 5 minute intervals.
PE will continue to be on a Thursday and Friday and children can continue to come into school with their PE kit on. Outdoor Learning with Miss Green will also continue on a Friday - please don't forget extra footwear and some extra clothing for those colder days. This can be put on over the top of PE kit.