This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we finish our journey of fractions by calculating fractions of sets of objects. Year 1 will continue to calculate 1/4 and 1/2. Year 2 will calculate thirds, halves and quarters, especially focusing on when the numerator is bigger than 1.
In English we finish writing the auto-biography about Miss Holden and we go back to being ourselves. I think some of the children are relieved about this! We will be using the skills that we have been taught in order to write autobiographies about ourselves. Parents, if you have any funny stories of your children growing up, please write them down so that they can include this in their writing. They've heard some stories about me growing up (and laughed a lot!) so now it's my turn!
In RE we are coming to the end of our topic on what Christians believe God is like and we will be reflecting on our learning and thinking about the parables that help us to understand what God is like.
In our Immersion Curriculum, we start a new journey of Art. We will be printing. We will be using objects to print, mimicking prints from the environment, like wallpaper, and even making our own stamps to print! If anyone has some jazzy wallpaper that you think the children might like to have a go at printing, please send them in!