This week in Hereford Class

Here we go... our first full week back after the Christmas holidays!
This week, in English, we continue to write the story of Hansel and Gretel in our own words, using the punctuation, grammar and vocabulary taught. Once we have written this, we will innovate the story, changing the characters, to write our own stories.
In Maths we are continuing with multiplication. Year 1 are looking at groups of objects and repeated addition which can then be used to calculate multiplication. Year 2 continue to represent multiplication by recognising and drawing arrays.
In RE, we will be looking at different ways that Christians show their belief in God. We will link that back to previous learning as well as looking at other things that Christians regularly do. Our new value for the term is Trust - please ask your children to talk about the story with you and discuss what the story means to Christians.
In Immersion Curriculum we are busy in Geography learning the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world. Here are the songs we have been using in school. Play them at your own risk - they may drive you nuts, a bit like I expect the Spice Girls is (Sorry!) and We are now looking at different landmarks in the world, using ariel images and discussing if they are human or physical features (natural or man made). We will continue Geography into next week because of the bank holiday and INSET day.
I know I say it every week and I am sorry for repeating myself but please ensure that children have two pairs of shoes on a Friday. One for PE and one for Outdoor Learning. It is incredibly muddy outside and if children do not have extra footwear, they will not be able to fully participate in outdoor learning. Thank you!