This week in Hereford Class

We can't wait to start our Immersion Curriculum journey this week in Art as we are very excited about drawing. We are linking our drawing to the Parable of The Sower. We will be learning to draw a number of things from the Parable, including: humans, birds and plants. We will be using the same skills as our mark making unit but instead applying them, as we have already had lots of practise of the skills.
In RE we are going to be comparing the Christian Creation Story to the Islamic Creation Story, noticing similarities and any small differences. Year 2 will be responsible for teaching the Year 1 children lots of facts about Islam, that they learned last year.
In English we are reinventing the story of Not Now Bernard. We had lots of fun planning our own versions with aliens and dragons instead of monsters and had fun sharing our plans with each other. We have already written the opening, build up/beginning and will move onto the problem/middle and the ending of the story. Miss Holden has really enjoyed marking what we have written so far.
In maths we are moving onto addition. Year 1 will be adding two 1-digit numbers and Year 2 will be adding a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number. We will look at strategies to do this quickly and accurately.
A reminder that there is WOW Wednesday this Wednesday (20th) October from 8.45am until 9.25am. This is for year 1 parents only. If you have a child in year 1 and another class, you can visit both. Year 2 parents will be invited in on the first Wednesday after half term, Wednesday 3rd November. If you are unable to attend these dates please get in touch and we can arrange another time, after school hours.
You will notice that we have started to send home only two books each Monday and Friday. Please encourage re-reading of books to help with fluency. This will be two books to enjoy over the weekend and two books to enjoy Monday to Thursday. Please let me know if you have any questions around this.
I hope that you all have a wonderful half term. Please remember that Monday 1st November is an INSET day. Children will return to school on Tuesday 2nd November 2021.