This week in Hereford Class
This week in Hereford Class, we have a very busy week. Due to the INSET day, we are having a day spent on PSHE where we are looking at exercise, diet and well-being. We are looking at what makes a healthy diet and the benefits of exercise. This includes keeping our mind happy, which we will explore further. We also are having a day of computing where we will look at classifying data, linking this to our previous Science topic. We will be using mouse and keyboard skills to find and copy images, whilst labelling them in categories.
In maths, we are consolidating the four operations through written and mental methods. The Y2 children are moving onto another formal written method for addition and subtraction to help them with their transition into Y3.
In English, we will move onto a new Non-Fiction topic of recounts. We will be able to recount our school trip that is happening this Wednesday.
In RE we are identifying places of worship. We will explore the key questions of: What special places do people go to worship? What do people do there? What special objects are used during worship in both Islam and Christianity?
As discussed, We are off the Bristol Aquarium where we will be looking at sea creatures. We cannot wait to go! Please remember that children should be in full school uniform and have a packed lunch. A risk assessment has been carried out, which carefully considers COVID-19 and we can assure you that the children will only be within their bubble and their lunches will be eaten away from any of the public. We will ensure continuous hand washing/sanitising. If you have any questions or queries around the trip please do not hesitate to get in touch.