This week in Hereford Class

I hope you all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend!
This week in Hereford Class we continue with our writing journey of letters. The children were outraged when they received a letter from Miss Holden cancelling all break times, PE, Outdoor Learning and school trips. She even said that the school day would continue until 5pm. The children were furious about this and will be writing back to Miss Holden explaining why this is not a good idea. Miss Holden is feeling a little worried about their responses!
In Maths we start a new maths unit on time. We will be learning to tell the time where Y1 will be learning to read clocks showing o'clock and half past. Y2 will begin by looking at 15 minute intervals and then move onto 5 minute intervals. We hope that our fraction work will come in handy this week!
In the immersion curriculum we will continue with out study of The Victorians. The children are really enjoying learning about what school life was like for children and even asked Miss Holden to behave like a Victorian teacher. We will be continuing to look at artefacts and what they were used for, including the cane and the dunce hat! We also look forward to playing some of the Victorian games on the playground.
In RE we continue to look at Jesus' teachings and we will be linking this to our Christian values and how we should lead our lives.
Mr Oakey is due back on Friday and the children are really looking forward to getting back into the planny and using their DT skills. I will let you know if this changes, for any reason.
Please remember that parents' evening is approaching and forms need returning so that slots can be organised.