This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we are continuing to write the story of Beegu by Alexis Deacon, before we plan our own stories, using our own characters and settings.
In Maths, Y1 are comparing subtraction whilst Y2 are adding three one-digit numbers.
We finish our Immersion Curriculum journey this week. We will be looking at the equator, locating the N/S poles and Northern and Southern Hemispheres and exploring why different parts of the world are hotter than others.
All children have been given their nativity parts this week and a letter will be coming home detailing some costumes that are required. We have most costumes but require some clothing to go underneath.
In RE we continue to explore the Christmas story, which links really well with our nativity singing and acting!
The children have been working hard to impress Miss Cale and Mrs Crampton with their knowledge of Islam from last term, their current Christianity learning and all the Bible stories we have studied. You would all be impressed with their knowledge and understanding. Please ask them!
Please remind your children that we have the Smartie challenge and that they can do jobs around the home to earn some 20p pieces to help raise funds for the school. Thank you to those of you that have returned these.
A polite reminder: please ensure children are wearing jogging bottoms for PE and Outdoor Learning on Thursdays and Fridays as the weather gets colder.