This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we are excited to be starting a new journey in English, Maths and the Immersion Curriculum. We will be moving onto multiplication where we will be representing multiplication through arrays and repeated addition. In English we are starting fiction unit, using the story of 'Begu' by Alexis Deacon. This links in really well to one of our Christian Values of friendship and how we can celebrate differences in people and how these differences are a good thing! In the Immersion Curriculum we are exploring India for the next two weeks. We will be locating it and its capital city on a map, finding out what it is like there as well as the differences between India and the UK (especially the weather!) In RE we are continuing to explore why Christmas is important to Christians. We will soon have the Nativity practise under way too - watch this space! We have asked all children to come into school wearing joggers or leggings for PE as the weather gets much cooler.