This week in Hereford Class

Once we have finished innovating our stories, we are moving onto our next writing unit which is non-fiction. We will be writing non-chronological reports. In Maths Year 1 are working to recall number bonds to 10 rapidly, whilst Year 2 are adding and subtracting tens. We are working at mental strategies to help us with our maths and help us to become fluent mathematicians.
We move onto a new topic in the Immersion Curriculum. We will be learning all about electricity. We will be looking at where electricity comes from and what it can do. We will then explore appliances in the home, which are both battery powered and mains powered whist looking at electrical safety and circuits. We will be getting hands on with this topic by creating electrical circuits and looking at how plugs are wired. The overview was sent home on Friday but it can also be found on the Hereford Class Page on the website. Please remember to sign up to our blogs by visiting this.
In RE we have been exploring the Islamic faith. We have learnt about the prophet Muhammad and also their Holy book, the Qur'an. This week we will explore where and how Muslims pray.
Thank you for sending the children in with spare shoes for Outdoor Learning last week - this made a world of difference to their lovely shoes and the school carpets!
Two weeks to go until half term and I wanted to say what a pleasure this term has been so far. Children have settled back into school life really well and Year 1 have transitioned into KS1 well.