This Week in Hereford Class

What a busy week we had getting into the swing of the timetable. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the Year 1 children and the Year 2 children have been excellent role models, modelling expectations and routines. This week we are looking at place value in maths where we are understanding the value of two digit numbers (to 20 for Y1 and to 100 for Y2) we are representing these using dienes. In English we are starting to write our own set of instructions for a variety of purposes. Year 1 children will continue their transition afternoons in Dexter Class. Year 2 start their Immersion Curriculum PSHE topic where we are looking at our rights and responsibilities; wants and needs as well as how to make our world a better place, this links in really well to our Spiritual Wheel. In RE we continue to explore Islam and will be looking at Muslim beliefs.