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This week in Hereford Class

This week we are beginning a new English topic where we are looking at biographies. We are looking at the features of biographies, understanding their structure and writing a biography about wonder woman, Rosa Parks, who we have been studying during our History, immersion curriculum.

We continue to look at shape this week where we are identifying 2D shapes and their properties.

In RE we are starting a new RE topic where we will be studying Judaism. We are looking at special items that belong to us, which we will be linking to special Jewish objects as the weeks continue.

We continue to look at 'Wonder Women.' We have already studied Florence Nightingale and Rosa Parks and their contribution to change. This week we will be looking at Emily Davison and thinking about her actions and why she acted the way she did. We will then compare all three woman and think about how their actions and beliefs have changed the world we live in today.

We are thinking of ways that we can fund raise this week to contribute to our wider world. We have decided that we are going to use any money raised to buy books for Waunifor Primary School in Kenya. Please look out for a letter detailing our decisions and how you can help.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13


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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349


Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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