This Week in Hereford Class

It's trip week! We will be off to Aston Hall in Birmingham on Thursday to celebrate our History topic of The Great Fire of London. Please make sure children are in school by 8.15am with a coat, packed lunch and water bottle. We will not wait for anybody as this will have a knock on effect with the journey and all of the plans we have in store. We aim to be back before the end of the school day but will be in touch with Mrs Russell if this changes.
This week, In English, we will write our innovated version of Hansel and Gretel. We have taken time to plan our own versions and will be creative, writing our very own stories. Mrs Hamilton is very excited to read this, as the description in the retelling of the story has been outstanding.
In Maths, we are finishing finding halves or shapes, number and quantities. We will then show what we know through both arithmetic and reasoning quizzes. We are looking forward to showing off all that we have remembered.
In our AIC, we will be finishing off our work on the Great Fire of London, looking at the significance of Samuel Pepys and his diary.
We have a special worship on church on Wednesday morning. All classes will be delivering part of the Easter Service. Please come and join us if you can.
If I don't manage to see you all before Friday, I hope you all have a fantastic Easter break and I will see you for the Summer Term on Monday 8th April 2024. Don't eat too much chocolate Hereford Class!