This Week in Hereford Class

I can't believe that by the end of this week, we will be half way through the year! This week, the children are excited to be participating in the 'Oracy Project'. Throughout the week, children will have their two minutes to stand in front of the class and talk about absolutely anything. Three children will be chosen to go through to the whole school heats, where one child will be selected. Please ensure that children are prepared for their speeches, should they wish to participate. A letter with further information was sent home, but it can also be found on our class Hereford Page.
This week we will be planning and writing our own letters, using all that we have been taught during our letter writing journey.
In Maths, we will finish our multiplication journey, whereby Year 1 are looking at equal groups to calculate answers and Year 2 are using the multiplication sign.
In the AIC, we continue with our printing journey. We will be making our stamps from both cardboard and string and polystyrene. We have designed these based on a Brazilian artist, Beatriz Milhazes.
In RE we will be finishing our journey of 'What do Christians believe God is like.' We will be thinking about all of things that we have learnt that shows belief and faith.
Please look out for letters early next term, which will detail the trips I have planned for Hereford Class.
A reminder that the first Monday back is an INSET so we will see you all on Tuesday 20th February 2024.