This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford Class we are finishing off our science topic of 'Animals and their habitats'. We are revisiting how animals are suited to their environments and then looking at food chains.
We will also revisit all of our Immersion Curriculum topics whereby we are completing group quizzes and games. We always revisit using our knowledge organisers to 'know more and remember more.' This children WOWED the guides at Cotswold Wildlife Park and I expect that they will continue that this week, around all their topics: Geography, History, Science and PSHE.
We are going to be practising addition and subtraction this week, flicking between the two in order to remember the methods and Year 2 will be showing what they know during assessments. In RE we will be exploring sacred buildings and what this means. We will be looking at the different places of worship across different faiths. The children already know so much about Islam and Christianity so they will gain even more knowledge and be able to make links.
Sports' Day is set for Friday 9th July so please ensure that children have appropriate sports clothing, water and a hat in case of warm weather.