This week in Hereford

Welcome back - I hope you all had a lovely half term break. I have had a lovely first day back with the children, they've all come back with smiles and have worked so hard already! Another short term but we have lots packed in!
This week we will be exploring our value of forgiveness. We will be looking a the parable of 'Zacchaeus The Tax Collector.' We will be thinking about how the value of forgiveness is shown and how this value is used in our lives.
In English, due to the short term last term, we will finish our letter writing journey. We will be writing a letter in full, and independently. I told the children about my 'horrible experience' during the half term break at Sunshine Hotel for a night's stay. It was terrible and the children will be writing to complain about my awful visit demanding a refund. You won't believe some of the things they are complaining about! (They actually think I went and that I found dead rats under the bed!)
In maths we continue with multiplication. Year 1 are looking at arrays and Year 2 are looking at the relationship between multiplication and division.
In our Amberley Immersion Curriculum, we move onto Science - Everyday materials. We will be distinguishing between an object and the material that it is made from, thinking about its properties.
Please look out for a letter in your children's bags regarding World Book Day. I have organised some exciting activities for WC 4th March 2023, including a zoom with Michael Rosen! World Book Day will be held on the Tuesday 5th due to PE on the Thursday (when WBD is nationally held).
Please also look out for letters regarding two school trips which I have organised, one for this term, and the other for the summer term. If you would like to volunteer to come on either of these trips, please let me know as this may be possible.
Parents' evening will also be held that week on both Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th, please look out for sign up sheets on the gates next week.