This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford we are writing our stories in full. We have planned our stories based on the story of Amazing Grace and we have changed our characters, using the storyline. We are excited to show our writing off as this is the final piece of fiction writing in this academic year.
In Maths, as Year 2 have completed their SATS, they will continue with pictograms, constructing their own. Year 1 will spend some times this week showing what they know by completing both Maths and Reading assessments, these will then be used towards their final outcomes for their school reports.
In the Amberley Immersion Curriculum (AIC) we are completing music this week. It is based around our imaginations and we will be using our voices to sing and glockenspiels to play. Please continue to revisit the key vocabulary with your children as this is really helpful. The overview is on our class page.
In RE, we will be looking at how people worship at a Church and Mosque, comparing the two. There is strike action on Wednesday and Friday of this week and therefore Hereford Class will be closed.