This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford we continue with our auto-biography journey, pretending that we are Mrs H and learning and writing about her life as if we are her. We are learning about the structure of these and ensuring that it is in chronological order. At the end of this week, I will send home a fact sheet. Please could you take the time to fill this out with your children so that they have plenty of information to write about, when it comes to applying their learning to write their own autobiography. This would really help and is very much appreciated.
In Maths Year 1 are counting in 2s and 5s whilst Year 2 multiply using arrays and repeated addition, putting this into context through multiplication problems (some of them being challenging multi-step). Year 1 parents, please practise counting in 2s and 5s at home (we will move onto 10s next week). Any additional practise of these will really help - even counting backwards once forwards is secure.
In the AIC, we are continuing our Geography unit of Mind Blowing Maps. This week we are learning to use grid references and are devising our own maps. We will be linking this with aerial images and a bird's eye view.
In RE, we continue our Islam topic, where we will be looking at Muslim practices and mind mining, to think about Part 1 of our learning, which was back during Autumn 2.
Please remember to provide children with additional footwear for O/L and ensure they are not wearing muddy wellies into school. These need to be in a plastic bag where they can put them on as they leave to go outside for the lesson, and then put back into the bag as the enter school. We have lessons after O/L so it's really important that we keep our classroom clean - also, we need to think of our lovely cleaner!