This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford we are starting a new unit in English. We are looking at Letter Writing. This week we will link it to the story of Meerkat Mail and we will look at the features, understand the structure and begin to write letters. In Maths, Year 1 are making bonds within 10 and being able to rapidly recall these bonds to help them with addition. Year 2 will be finishing bonds within 100 before we all move onto addition.
In the Immersion Curriculum (overview attached), we are moving onto Science - Electricity. We will be looking at what electricity is and what appliances run on electricity. Please refer to the overview for ideas to support your children at home.
In RE we continue with our study of Islam - we will be delving deeper into the 5 pillars of Islam and looking more at key Muslim beliefs.
If you hear your children mention Christmas cards, you are right and I am sorry that the word has been mentioned in October. Like each year, the children will be designing Christmas Cards. This will begin on Tuesday, with Mrs Penn. These will then be available for you to order and get printed. We are planning simple but effective designs, so watch out for these in the children's book bags at the end of the week.