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This week in Hereford

WOW! The weeks are flying by and we only have a few weeks left before the May half term (and the day I go from Miss H to Mrs H!) Where has the time gone?

So far, Hereford have been amazing and shown such huge respect to the Year 6 children who are sitting their SATS this week. The children of Hereford have been like mice around the school, giving them them peace to concentrate. Year 6 are taking their end of Key Stage Assessments this week and we wish them lots of luck!

This week in English we will be retelling the story of Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We will be retelling the story using our own words, using the punctuation, vocabulary and grammar taught. In Maths, we round off our work on measures. Miss H will then be combing weight, length and height as well as capacity to check the understanding of the children and their knowledge of the units of measurement.

In the Immersion Curriculum, we finish off our Geography, as the bank holiday left us an afternoon short. We will then be moving onto Art - Taking inspiration from the greats. We will be looking at the work of Paul Klee and recreating some of his work. In RE we will look at the way that people care for each other across a number of faiths, exploring some different stories.

A reminder, Year 2 children will sit their SATS during the mornings of the last 2 weeks of term. If you have any questions around this, please get in touch. Year 1 will have their phonic screening assessments the first week back. Year 2 children are being given homework each evening to complete. It will take no longer than 10 minutes and ask that this is done to support the revision for their SATS.

FINAL reminder: It is our Tombola event in the hall tomorrow from 3.30pm. Please send in any items that you think would be suitable for either a child or adult prize. There will be two separate events so that the prizes are suitable.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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