This Week in Hereford

This week in Hereford, we continue to study God as a father, as loving and as forgiving. Last week, we thought about scenarios that sometimes we are faced with and at times, where we might make mistakes. We discussed how Christians believe God is forgiving and therefore they should be too! This week we are going to deepen our understanding of this through use of parables and examples from the Bible.
In English, we are learning a lot about Miss Holden growing up! We are pretending to be Miss Holden (YES - there will be 27 of us!) and we are writing an autobiography about her life. We will be learning the features and grammar that are in autobiographies before writing our own, independently.
In Maths we are finding fractions of number, quantities and objects. We are using the bar model to help us to represent this and many of us are making links with our multiplication and division, which is incredible!
In our Immersion Curriculum, we continue to be scientists and we are completing fair tests using different surfaces and a toy car. We are testing to see which surface has the most amount of friction. Cars will be zooming across the classroom and we will be using our maths skills to measure the distance as well as present our findings in a bar graph.
Outdoor Learning and PE remain the same. Children are taking a very long time to get changed from outdoor learning into their PE kits due to the complete change of clothing. Whilst we ask for spare clothing, this can just be a jumper and trousers. Children can wear this over their PE t shirt and shorts. All of this is covered by waterproofs. The only reason we say this, is because children are late getting into the hall for lunch because they're spending so much time taking off many layers and this way, they will not have to change a complete outfit. I hope that this all makes sense!