This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford Class we are showing what we know. We are completing both maths and reading quizzes to show what we have learnt.
In English, we are innovating the story of Beegu by Alexis Deacon, changing our characters and settings. We will apply everything that we have been taught by writing independently.
We will be practising the nativity over the next 2 weeks, singing and performing our lines to build up to our final performance, which will be filmed and sent out. Miss Holden sent home scripts and song words on Friday. Please encourage your children to practise both singing and speaking in order to perform without any paper! Apologies in advance for any songs that may drive you round the bend!
In RE we continue to think about Christmas and will be looking at the different people during Jesus' birth. We will be thinking about their importance and looking at songs which mention them. We will go on to write our own songs about the special time that is Christmas!
Please return Christmas dinner orders (if you haven't already) as these were due back in today in order for Mrs Russell to send through numbers. Christmas dinner will be on Tuesday 15th December and children can come in, in non school uniform wearing a Christmas jumper!