This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford Class, we are beginning a new Maths journey of subtraction. Year 2 children will be using the same method as addition, but counting back in 1s and 10s whilst Year 1 will be using concrete apparatus and number lines.
In English we are continuing our journey of non-chronological reports where we will bee writing paragraphs to describe and explain all about Amberley School. We start a new Immersion Curriculum Journey this week where we are completing a unit on Digital Art. We will be using the computers to access paintzapp (which you can also use at home) to create our own pictures, basing them around the work of artists: Mondrian, Kandinsky and Seurat. At the end of the week, we will create our paintings using paint and compare this to our digital artwork.
In RE we will be exploring our new value of truthfulness. We will be looking at the story of 'A Day That Changed Everything' and discussing the importance of telling the truth.