This Week in Friesian Class

This week in Friesian class, we will be completing our writing journey on explanation texts by planning and writing our own versions using our knowledge of the British Iron Age (which will also give us a great opportunity to recall some of our learning from earlier in the year.)
In our maths lessons, Year 3 will be focusing on money, and Year 4 will continue their work on fractions, and will be looking at equivalent fractions. All the children will also be looking at interpreting graphs.
In our Immersion curriculum time, we will be continuing our work as historians and will be finding out about Ancient Egyptian writing and culture, society and trade, and homes, and drawing parallels with Iron Age Britain in order to see what was similar and what was different in different parts of the world at the same time.
In computing, we will be looking at data handling and will be using software to create branching databases and discussing their uses and effectiveness.
If you have not yet returned your photo permission slip for next week's trip, please could you do so as soon as possible, as our groupings for the day are dependent on this. If you have lost your copy, there is one available for download at the bottom of this post. Thank you!
Maths frame online tables practice: