This Week in Friesian Class

Wow! What a weekend! We would like to thank each and everyone of you for all your efforts over the weekend at the Cow Hunt. It was an incredible event that wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for all those who give up their time to help and support. We hope that you have managed to rest since!
This week seems rather short, but will still be action packed!
In maths, Year 3 are continuing with their work on time and Year 4 with fractions. As we get closer to the statutory Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, it will help the children immensely if they are able to practice their tables online using the Maths Frame website, which looks very similar to the real thing.
In English, we are taking a short sidestep from our work on explanation texts in order to create poetry for the upcoming 'Marking Day' celebrations which will take place in the gardens of the Old Lodge on Saturday 13th May 11am-3pm. There will be guided walks by NT Rangers, nature organisations will have stalls to explore and there will be free crafts to help explore our local wildlife. We will be working together to write Renga poetry. A renga is a form written by multiple collaborating poets. To create a renga, one poet writes the first stanza, which is three lines long with a total of seventeen syllables. The next poet adds the second stanza, a couplet with seven syllables per line. The third stanza repeats the structure of the first and the fourth repeats the second, alternating in this pattern until the poem’s end. Ours will be celebrating the cows which will soon be roaming on the commons.
On Friday, we will be kick starting the celebrations for the King's Coronation which will include a parade to show off the crowns that children have made at home. Please don't send in crowns before Friday, as we wouldn't want them to get damaged.
In our immersion curriculum time this week, we will be using software to edit or video science lessons which we are looking forward to sharing with you.
The children will only have a short list of words to learn for their spelling test on Friday, due to it being such a short week. These words are the National Curriculum 'orange words'. Please find a copy of the homework sheets attached below.