This Week in Friesian Class

Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a good break over Easter. I can't believe that we have made it to the Summer Term already!
This week, we will be scientists in our Immersion Curriculum time, and will be learning about rocks, soils and fossils. It should be another fascinating topic, which the children will no doubt get stuck into!
In English, we will be writing our own journey stories based on The Firework Maker's Daughter, by Philip Pullman and we will be continuing to read Storm Hound in our guided reading sessions.
In maths, year 4 will be learning all about fractions and year 3 will be learning about time, as well as continuing to practice their formal written methods and times tables. It has be great to see so much online tables practice from year 4. It is only a short while until the children will take the statutory online test, so getting familiar with the process and building speed and accuracy will help greatly, as well as continuing to lay the ground work for mental maths in the future.
In RE, we will be digging deeper into our focus value for the term, Generosity, and in computing, we will be focusing on online safety before returning to our work on using block coding.