This Week in Friesian Class

Happy New Year! Although we don't have a full week in school, we do have an action packed one!
We will be reading an adaptation of William Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet as part of extended guided reading, where we will immerse ourselves in the story and, as well as reading, take on different roles, discuss language tools, hot seat characters and will even try our hands at condensing a Shakespearean retelling into 3 mins!
In maths, Year 4 will be focused on multiplication and as part of this will look at using rapid recall to multiply 3 single digit numbers. Year 3 will be working with Mrs Harbord and will be multiplying single, two and three digit numbers by 10. We will have a big focus on times tables recall this term - so get those card and dice games ready at home!
In RE, we will be thinking about the Christian value of Thankfulness and will be learning about the Book of Psalms, many of which focus on thankfulness, before writing our own.
We will be spending much of our week immersing ourselves as artists too, as will be learning about sculpture. We will compare the works of Alberto Giacometti and Rachel Ducker, both of whom use wire as a medium for their works. We will use different techniques to create our own sculptures inspired by their signs.
If you have any queries, please do get in touch via the class webpage, email or through the school office.