This week in Friesian Class...
For RE in Friesian Class this week we will be making links to the real world by learning about inspirational Christian figures such as: Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King. We will be exploring how they contributed to making the world a better place. We will also be looking at how different religious charities help to make the world the better place. In English, we will be continuing our work on explanation texts - we will be boxing up and comprehending. In maths, we will be showing Miss Rudge and Mrs Harbord everything that we have learnt this year by answering lots of questions based on different maths topics. In Immersion Curriculum, we are continuing our work on local history amongst rehearsing for the KS2 performance!
On Wednesday, Mrs Adams is coming into Friesian Class and we are immersing ourselves in an art day! We will be working hard to create fantastic art pieces to contribute to a whole-school project.
Permission slip letters for the KS2 performance - What A Knight - went home on Friday. Please could these be filled in and returned to the school ASAP. Y4s also had letters about costumes. If there are an issues regarding costumes, please email me and let me know as soon as you can.
School photo letters were sent home on Monday. If you have not received one, can you please remind your child that there are spares in the classroom. These need to be returned back to school ASAP, alternatively, you can order the pictures online.