This week in Friesian Class
This week in Friesian Class we will be making connections in RE by comparing the Story of Noah to the Story of Abraham. We will be using this to explore our overarching question: 'What is it like for Christians to follow God?' discussing how in both situations, trust was put into God. In English, we will be staring a new writing unit exploring biographies. We will be finding the features, boxing up, comprehending and writing introductions. Our example biography is about Motown legend Diana Ross, who is also our artist of the term that we are listening and appraising to as part of Music. In Y4 maths, we will be learning about how to calculate area, whilst the Y3s continue their measuring skills in preparation for learning about perimeter.
In Immersion Curriculum, we are geographers and we are learning about Europe. We will be using an atlas to find the 44 countries of Europe and focusing on some of these countries to find out about their human and physical features. Please see our Friesian Class page for the topic overview.
As usual, reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Spelling homework will be given out on a Monday and will be due back in on the Friday ready for the spelling test.