This week in Friesian Class...
This week in Friesian Class we will be finishing writing the traditional tale: Little Red Riding Hood in English with the problem, resolution and ending. We will be working hard on our language choices to entice the reader. In RE, we will be deepening our thoughts when considering the question: ‘If God made the world so perfect, why do things go wrong?’ in relation to the story of The Fall in Genesis. In maths, we are working on identifying and representing 2 and 3-digit numbers on a number line. At the start of each lesson, we will be counting up in either 10s, 20s, 50, 100s or 25s. It would be great if you could chant some of these at home and even challenge your children to count backwards in these multiples! We will also be focussing on a different times table each week, it would be fantastic if the children could get some extra practice of this at home, wherever possible. If you would like any maths game ideas, please email me and I will send some over to you.
We will be finishing our Electricity topic in Science this week, as well as practicing for our Harvest Assembly. Please can I ask that the children continue to bring in their Harvest food donations for the table. We have been practicing our songs in lessons and one of our favourites is the Harvest Samba! I have told the children that I will put the link to the song on the blog so that they can practice and WOW you at home:
Last Friday, we noticed that some of the children were not appropriately dressed for Outdoor Learning or they did not have a spare change of clothes. Especially as the colder and wetter weather is upon us, please can I remind all parents that the children need to be wearing suitable, weather-appropriate clothes for Outdoor Learning on Friday mornings. Afte
r this, the children will get changed into their PE kits, so these need to be in school. Please ensure these are two different outfits. The same thing goes for footwear, the children need a suitable pair of footwear for Outdoor Learning (walking boots or wellies), as well as a separate pair of trainers of PE. Can I please also ask that the children bring in bags that are big enough to hold all of these clothes, so that they are not juggling belongings as they enter and leave the school on an already busy day.
The children should be reading as much as they can in the week. Reading books are changed on a Monday and a Thursday, unless stated otherwise. We ask that the children bring in their books every day to put into their drawers and they take them home every night. As much as we try to remind the children, they children should be working to be more independent learners and remember to do this themselves.
If you have any questions, please email me via the school website. I look forward to seeing you at the Harvest assembly on Thursday morning if you can make it!
Miss Rudge