This week in Friesian Class...
This week in Friesian Class we will be writing our own set on instructions independently in English. In maths, we are working on our place value and representing numbers in different ways. We will also be looking at the value of each digit within a number. In RE, we will be starting to answer our over-arching question for this term: 'What do Christians learn from the Creation Story' by retelling the Creation Story and discussing its importance to Christians. We will also be linking this to the wider world by thinking about how lucky we are to attend school in such a beautiful environment. In Immersion Curriculum, we are artists this week. We have been exploring mark marking today and we investigated how natural materials can contribute to fantastic mark making. We will be finishing this topic by creating two final pieces. One will be looking at sketching and mark making to create tone and texture and the other will be inspired by and in the style of the artist DAIN.
Can I just remind all parents to encourage your child to read their home-school reading books at home and record this in their reading record.
The children had a fantastic first week at school and I am really looking forward to learning some more with them this week!