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This week in Friesian Class

This week in Friesian Class we are starting a new story writing unit in English. We will be retelling, boxing up and comprehending the story of Cinderella. In maths, we are starting a new topic on Time. In RE, we will be discussing how different religions view life as a journey and reflecting on our own life journeys and the obstacles that we might face when trying to reach our future goals. Tomorrow, we will be vising Greystone's Farm for an Iron Age survival day! We are very excited! The children are required to wear weather appropriate clothing suitable for outdoor activities that you do not mind them getting dirty. All children are required to wear long sleeves and long trousers, even in warm weather, to protect them from insects or prickles. Children should wear suitable footwear, wellies are recommended. Ensure your child has a raincoat or a warm coat if it looks like they need it. Layers to be worn if it is cold. Hats, sun cream and water bottles if it is sunny. We are leaving school at 9am, so all children are required to be in at 8.45am.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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