This week in Friesian Class
This week in Friesian Class, we will be finishing off our instruction writing in English by writing a full set of instructions independently. We will be recalling our knowledge of the structure as well as some new grammatical features that we have been learning.
In maths, we will be extending our knowledge of place value to represent numbers on a number line up to 1,000 and 10,000. In RE last week, we answered the questions ‘What are the Hindu deities? How do they help Hindus to describe God?’. This week, we will be extending our knowledge to be able to answer the question ‘What do Hindu murtis express about God?’.
We will be artists this week, as we will be starting a new Immersion Curriculum topic focussing on painting.
Just a reminder that children should be bringing in their reading books and reading records every day to keep in their drawers. Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Friday, only if they have read all three books. If your child has finished reading all three books before a ‘book swapping day’ then they must re-read them until they can change them, to aid their fluency. If they have read the book before, possibly last year, then they will need to re-read it until we feel confident that we can move them up through the scheme. When changing the books, myself and Mrs Apew will be looking in the reading records to see how the children are getting on.
Spelling homework is given out every Monday and is not due in until the following Monday, however the children will be tested on the spellings on the Friday of the week they were given out.