This week in Friesian Class

After a fantastic start in Friesian Class, we are looking forward to another week of learning!
We will be continuing our work in English and starting to write our own set of instructions. In maths, we will be continuing to use our knowledge of place value to represent numbers up to 1000. We will be using a variety of concrete resource and visuals to help us.
In RE, we will continue learning about Hinduism (the world’s oldest religion!). In last week’s lesson we retold the story of Svetaketu and related it to our key question ‘How do Hindus describe God’. The water and salt analogy helped us to understand that Hindus believe that God is invisible but always there.
We will also be continuing our Spirituality sessions this week after we had the fantastic Mrs Penn in Friesian Class last week to discuss ‘Why is out world so wonderful?’.
We will be finishing off our ‘Light’ topic this week in science by using what we already know to explain shadows and how they change. We will also be learning about the solar system.
The children are required to come into school in their uniform on Thursday mornings and they will get changed for PE with Miss Rudge at school. On Friday, can I ask that children come to school in their Outdoor Learning clothes with a PE kit ready to change into later on in the day for PE with Mr Spurrier. The children do not have to wear school uniform on Fridays.
Please do use the contact form on the school website should you have any questions.