This Week in Friesian Class

Welcome back! I do hope that you have all had a good break. It is hard to believe that we have already reached the final term - Where has the time gone?!
This week, we will be reviewing and consolidating our understanding of formal calculation methods in maths. We will revisit our prior learning and use these methods to answer reasoning and worded problems. The Year 4 children will have one last push on their rapid recall of times tables ahead of the online assessment they have been working so hard on.
In English, we will be starting a new writing journey focused on science fiction adventure stories, using The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. The children have greatly enjoyed reading this novel and many will be interested to hear that it is due to be released in cinemas in the Autumn. There are also two sequels for them to read.
Our spelling work this term will focus on spelling rules and patterns that the children have found particularly tricky to apply in their independent writing, and on the statutory National Curriculum words for Years 3 and 4.
In our Immersion Curriculum time, we will be learning about Health, Wellbeing and Safety, and will focus on how children can keep themselves and those around them safe both when at home and about in the local area.
I look forward to catching up with you all later throughout the week.