This Week in Friesian Class

Welcome back! We hope that you have had a good Easter break and have managed to get some rest. The Summer term is upon us and we have lots planned in!
This week, we will be beginning a new writing journey in English, where will be focused on play scripts. We will be tying in some of our previous learning about the Celts and Romans in Britain for the content of our plays. We will also be starting a new novel in guided reading, The Wild Robot by Peter Brown - a fabulous book that I am sure the children are going to love. It is due to be made into a film soon, so we are hoping to finish reading it before it comes out!
In maths, we will be working further on fractions and decimals, as well as calculation practise and continued work on times tables recall. A huge well done to those who have been beavering away with small daily doses of both times tables and maths calculations. Don't forget that has 5 a day practise activities.
In our immersion curriculum time, we will be working at geographers, and finding out about time zones before moving on to learn about rivers around the world, their course and their role in the water cycle.
In computing, we will be focused on our online reputations and will be learning about safe and respectful sharing, before moving on to learning about editing images.