This week in Friesian Class

This week, we will be starting the writing element of our own journey story in English, and will be using Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo as our inspiration. The children have really been enjoying this book in our guided reading sessions, and it is lovely to see how many of them have now borrowed their own copy from the library!
In maths, we will be starting a unit of work on fractions and will, over the next few weeks, be introducing the terms: unit/ non-unit fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent fractions and improper fractions. It would be great (if your children are willing) for any additional calculation work done at home to be bought in, so that we can celebrate children's challenge and improvements outside of school too.
In our immersion curriculum time this week, we will be working on a PSHCE (personal, social, health, citizenship and economic education) unit of learning focused on money and jobs, where we will also look at online safety and investigate how our digital footprint can affect other people's opinion of us.
In computing, we will be using software to log data (light, sound and temperature) from around school, and will then use this to create charts and tables, which will strengthen our learning in maths.
If you haven't already signed up for parents' evening, please have a look at the available slots on the sign up sheets outside the gates, or contact Mrs Russell, who can book you in.