This Week in Friesian Class
This week, we are very excited to begin work with ISingPOP. The children will be learning 7 new songs and their dance routines over the next two weeks, under the expert tuition of Jake, before recording their own Amberley CD and performing in two concerts next Wednesday. Please take a look a the Amberley News Letter for further details of the concerts and the option to buy merchandise.
In maths this week, we will all be developing our use of formal multiplication and applying calculation methods in a variety of problem solving tasks and games.
In English, we will be planning our own versions of The Tunnel by Pie Corbett, and will looking further at using figurative language to enhance suspense.
In our curriculum time, we will be working as artists and will be learning about two collage artists, investigating their work and discussing technique and style, before turning our own hands to the medium. We will then be submitting our work to the RE Creative and Crafty art competition which is being run by Gloucester Diocese.