This Week in Friesian Class

This week, we will be spending a fair amount of time as thespians, as we rehearse our play. We are so looking forward to performing to you on Wednesday 19th July. A letter about tickets will be with you shortly!
In maths, the Year 3 children will be focused on 3d shape and using nets to explore their different properties, whilst the Year 4 children will be working on their ability to convert between 12 and 24 hour clocks, and converting between hours and minutes.
We will be continuing our work as artists in our immersion time, and will be creating colour wheels and we learn about the theory behind Georges Seurat's masterpieces, before attempting our own works in his style.
In computing, we will be putting together all of the skills we have learned in programming so far this year, to create artwork using onscreen sprites, and we will also have time to continue planning and creating challenges which will teach Hereford children about how magnets work.
There are no spelling lists this week, but the children will have a secret skill to practice (it's top secret, but they will know what I mean soon enough!)